Bobkov, Vyacheslav Nikolayevitch - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Chief Research Worker, Head of the Department of Socioeconomic Research of Living Standards and Quality of Live at the Centre of Development of Human Potential at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Director of the Scientific Centre of Labour Economics at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


Burak, Pyotr IosifovitchRANS Academician, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-President of RANS, Director of the Institute for Regional Economic Research, Russia

Dolgushkin, Nikolai Kuz'mitch - RAS Academician, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-President of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Golovnin, Mikhail Yur'yevitch - Corresponding Member of RAS, Doctor of Economics, Director of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Gontmakher, Evgeny Shlyomovitch - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Social and Social Institutions and Social Work at the Russian State Social University, Russia

Grinberg, Ruslan Semyonovitch - Corresponding Member of RAS, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Scientific Director of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Ivchenkov, Sergey Grigor'evitch - Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Sociology, Head of the Chair of Youth Sociology of the Saratov State University, Russiа

Kuklin, Alexandr Anatol'yevitch - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chief Research Worker at the Ural Federal University, Russia

Lenchuk, Yelena Borisovna - Doctor of Economics, Chief Research Worker, Head of the Research School «Economic Policy» at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Muzychuk, Valentina Yur'yevna - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Deputy Director for Research of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Toshchenko, Zhan Terent'yevitch - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Corresponding member of RAS, Chief Research Worker of the Sociocultural Dynamics Research Group, Honorary Doctor of the of the Institute of Sociology - Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Heard of the Chair of Theory History and Sociology at the Sociology Faculty of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Russia

Volgin, Nikolai Alekseyevitch - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Adviser to Director General of the All-Russia Research Institute of Labor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation; Editor-in-Chief of the Journal «Social and Labour Research», Russia


Ricceri, Marco - Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Secretary General of the Roman Institute for Political, Economic and Social Studies (EURISPES), Italy

Hepp, Rolf Dieter - Dr. Philosoph., Dr. habil., Doctor of Sociology, Professor at the Institute of Sociology of the Berlin Free University, Germany

Herrmann, Peter – Dr. Sociol., Dr. habil., Research Worker at the Human Rights Centre Law School at the Law Faculty of the Central South University, PRC

Khusainov, Bulat Doskaliyevitch - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Academician of the Kazakhstan Academy of Natural Sciences, Advicer on Sciences at the Economic Research Institute, Kazakhstan