Applied Labor Economics in Conditions of Double Personnel Shortage: 
Revival and New Challenges. Part 2

 Ruslan A. Dolzhenko, Svetlana B. Dolzhenko, Vladimir S. Polovinko

Размер файла371-384
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RAR (Research Article Report)



Ruslan A. Dolzhenko

Ural State University of Economics, Ekaterinburg, Russia

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


SPIN-код: 8576-4140

РИНЦ Author ID: 617562

ResearcherID: J-2847-2015

Svetlana B. Dolzhenko

Ural State University of Economics, Ekaterinburg, Russia

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


SPIN-код: 8557-7373

РИНЦ Author ID: 148831

ResearcherID: B-5311-2018

Vladimir S. Polovinko

Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Omsk, Russia

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


SPIN-код: 8454-2897

РИНЦ Author ID: 155877

ResearcherID: A-4317-2017


Dolzhenko R.A., Dolzhenko S.B., Polovinko V.S. Applied Labor Economics in Conditions of Double Personnel Shortage: Revival and 
New Challenges. Part 2. Uroven' zhizni naseleniya regionov Rossii=Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2024;20(3):371–384. (In Russ.)


Russian President V.V. Putin in his message to the Federal Assembly, he called for a radical increase in labor productivity to overcome 
the personnel shortage, increase the efficiency of domestic industry and the social sphere. The plans include the extension of the National 
Project “Labor Productivity” to cover at least 40 percent of medium and large enterprises in basic and primary sectors of the economy by 
2030, and also include social sector institutions in the project. At the same time, according to experts, it is necessary to clarify the goals 
of the Project, approaches to achieve them, and involve the expert community in the field of labor economics in order to form a universal 
methodology for increasing organizational efficiency and labor productivity through the development of applied labor economics at the country's enterprises. Who implements the tasks of increasing labor productivity in modern enterprises, how developed is the labor economics function in current conditions, what key performance indicators regarding the implementation of this function are present in enterprises and how developed is their assessment in enterprises? The answer to these questions, as well as in general, assessment of the representation and importance of the labor economics function in large manufacturing enterprises of the Russian Federation in order to determine the directions of its development in conditions of a double personnel shortage are the purpose of this study. Research methods: expert interviews with scientists (9 interviews were conducted with scientists with experience in scientific and applied research in the field of labor economics), as well as heads of departments at industrial enterprises (7 interviews were conducted with personnel directors, heads of labor and wages departments, centers increasingorganizational efficiency), analysis of documents and experience of the country's largest enterprises (the experience of 11 enterprises was studied).The results of the analysis can be useful to scientists in the field of personnel management, labor economics and organizational effectiveness to update the research agenda, as well as to enterprises that are interested in increasing labor productivity and personnel efficienc


labor economics, applied labor economics, labor efficiency, labor productivity, trends, business development, personnel management


The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 24-28-20469,


Ruslan A. Dolzhenko – Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Labor Economics and Personnel Management, Ural State 
University of Economics

Svetlana B. Dolzhenko – PhD in Economicss, Head of the Department of Labor Economics and Personnel Management, Ural State 
University of Economics

Vladimir S. Polovinko – Doctor of Economics, Head of the Department of Regional Economics and Human Resource Management, 
Dostoevsky Omsk State University


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