Dynamics of the Post-Soviet Mandatory Pension Insurance System 
and Basic Pension Income

 Ekaterina A. Smirnova

Размер файла385-396
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RAR (Research Article Report)



Ekaterina A. Smirnova

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia

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SPIN-код: 4549-7878

РИНЦ AuthorID: 673507

ResearcherID ABD-3297-2020

Scopus Author ID: 57222903526


Smirnova E.A. Dynamics of the Post-Soviet Mandatory Pension Insurance System and Basic Pension Income. Uroven' zhizni naseleniya regionov 
Rossii=Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2024;20(3):385–396.
(In Russ.)


The paper is devoted to the study of the post-Soviet mandatory pension insurance system and the possibility of implementing such an 
element as a universal basic pension income into it. Domestic and foreign scientific publications, legislation, as well as statistical data in 
the field of pension provision served as sources for the analysis. The paper found out that the issue of setting of minimum guarantees for 
pensioners at a level not lower than the pensioner's subsistence minimum level remains relevant to this day. In this connection the paper 
tested the hypothesis that the introduction of a universal basic pension income, which in fact will replace the basic part of the old-age labour 
pension (fixed payment to the insurance pension) and social supplements to the pension, in the pension structure will allow to establish 
a minimum pension level for all pensioners by a single payment (universal basic pension income), which will make the Russian pension 
system more transparent, open, understandable and allowing a pensioner to have an income at least below the pensioner's subsistence 
minimum level. To test the hypothesis an analysis of the types of pensions and their structure was carried out, and criteria for setting the 
boundaries of the minimum pension were determined. One of the results of the study was an approximate calculation of the additional funds 
needed to bring the basic part of the labour pension (universal basic pension income) to the subsistence minimum level of a pensioner 
(as of 2023). It is concluded that with additional financial support from the state and changes to the structure of expenditures of the Social 
Fund of Russia, the introduction of a universal basic pension income for recipients of old-age pensions, disability pensions and survivor's 
pensions would be quite achievable.


pension, retired person, pension system, mandatory pension insurance, the basic part of the old-age labour pension, fixed payment to an insurance pension, social supplement to the old-age pension, universal basic income, universal basic pension income


Ekaterina A. Smirnova – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Basic Department of the Chamber of 
Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation «Human Resource Management», Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


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