The Illusion of Remuneration and the Reality of its Exploitation

Ivan D. Matskulyak

Размер файла172−182
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RAR (Research Article Report)



Ivan D. Matskulyak

State University of Management, Moscow, Russia

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SPIN-код: 5278-9660

РИНЦ Author ID: 380711

ResearcherID: V-2082-2017


Matskulyak I.D. The Illusion of Remuneration and the Reality of its Exploitation. Uroven' zhizni naseleniya regionov Rossii=Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2024;20(2):172–182. (In Russ.)


Research on various aspects of remuneration under capitalism is quite diverse, in contrast to the exploitation of labor in domestic conditions. The purpose of the publication is to summarize the deep essence of wages and trends in the exploitation of labor by capital, to attract the attention of subjects of these processes to take the necessary regulatory measures. The object of the study is the system of participants in the main link of social production of the capitalist economy. The subject of the article is the social and labor relations between employees and employers regarding the wages of some and their exploitation by others. Its methodological base includes methods of content analysis of scientific observations, comparisons, logical generalization, dialectical and integrated approach, explaining the essential and superficial perception of the functioning of employees and owners of capital, or their representatives-entrepreneurs regarding the purchase and sale of hired labor, its inclusion in the labor process and calculation between them. Among the new results is the debunking of the well-established opinion that wages are paid allegedly for work performed and the justification of this phenomenon as an illusion, a fetish. In fact, the owner of the production conditions pays the employee only the debt for the labor force purchased from him, which participated in the labor process to create a product (service). The substantiation of the reality of labor exploitation by capital, the generalization of relevant trends in Western and domestic economies, is also new. A new idea is also given about the improvement of this process and its further transformation in favor of wage labor. The theoretical and practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the presented understanding of the illusory nature of remuneration and the reality of its operation is certainly useful for both enterprises interested in modernizing their own development strategies and forming programs to achieve the planned milestones, as well as state (municipal) authorities at various levels of government and structures of the higher school of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.


wages, capital, labor exploitation, labor force, value, surplus value, profit, profit margin


Ivan D. Matskulyak

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of 
Economic Policy and Economic Measurements of the Institute of Economics and Finance State University of Management


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The article was submitted 16.02.2024; approved after reviewing 06.04.2024; accepted for publication 09.06.2024.