Urgent Problems of Reorganizing the Educational System in Rossiya Today

Machkhelyan Garry G.

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DOI: 10.52180/1999-9836_2023_19_1_4_47_60



Garry G. Machkhelyan

Moscow, Russia

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Machkhelyan G.G. Urgent Problems of Reorganizing the System of Education in Rossiya Today. Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2023. Vol. 19. No 1. P. 47–60. DOI 10.52180/1999-9836_2023_19_1_4_47_60 EDN MEUYVW



The article deals with urgent problems of reorganizing the educational system in the Russian Federation. The concepts education and an educational system as well as characteristics of the traditional home educational system in Russia in contrast to that in the West have been given. The author stresses that education is an essential factor affecting the forming of the living standards and quality of life of the population in the country. In fact, a pro-Western system of education has been established in Russia today. The author analyses the Soviet educational system and its role as the source of unprecedented achievements of the USSR in sociocultural and technological spheres. Most important epoch-making landmarks of forming the system of education in the USSR are considered, and it’s affecting the socioeconomic development of the country is stressed wiping out illiteracy of the population and legislative ratifying universal compulsory free education in particular. The author points out that education in the USSR was to guarantee meeting intellectual and spiritual demands of the Soviet people. It contributed to realizing the main principle of socialism: “All is in the name of a human being – all is for the benefit of a human being”. Problems of reforming education in the post-Soviet period, risks of intellectual degradation being accentuated. The author stresses the topicality of fundamental reorganizing the now existing Russian educational system and advisability of reviving the Soviet system of education, concrete proposals for reorganizing in the near future being put forward. First of all the Bologna system of education should be cancelled, and the Soviet system of education and upbringing restored instead. A universal compulsory free education is to be put into effect in all regions off the Russian Federation. The unified state exam must be revoked.


education, an educational system, upbringing, literacy, a rate of literacy, illiteracy, higher education, educational establishments, universal compulsory free education, the Bologna system, a unified state exam, traditional education, reorganizing, urgent problems, digitalization, eradication of illiteracy


Garry G. Machkhelyan

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Independent Researcher Moscow, Russia


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The article was submitted 25.10.2022.

Accepted for publication 23.02.2023.