The Structure of Poverty in Regional Society (on the Example of the Republic of Mordovia)

Lyubov' N. Kuryshova, Oksana N. Kurmyshkina

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RAR (Research Article Report)

DOI: 10.52180/1999-9836_2023_19_3_9_421_431



Lyubov' N. Kuryshova

 National Research Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia

Scientific Center for Social and Economic Monitoring, Saransk, Russia

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РИНЦ Author ID: 509635

Oksana N. Kurmyshkina

 Scientific Center for Social and Economic Monitoring, Saransk, Russia

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


РИНЦ Author ID: 1010448


Kuryshova L.N., Kurmyshkina O.N. The Structure of Poverty in Regional Society (on the Example of the Republic of Mordovia). Uroven' zhizni naseleniya regionov Rossii=Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2023;19(3):421–431. (In Russ.) DOI


The article is devoted to the problem of poverty, its measurement and evaluation. Classical approaches to the study of poverty are considered, methods of its pacification are studied. The author analyzed the works of foreign and domestic researchers. The work was carried out on the basis of a large-scale sociological study. The data represent the Republic of Mordovia, each municipal district and the capital of the region, as well as the target group of poor households. Poverty is structured on the basis of an integrated approach to assessing the socio-economic situation of the population and classical concepts. The paper reveals the scale of objective and subjective poverty of the regional society. Statistical poverty remains at a relatively low level due to the implemented policies and measures of social support. People's subjective perception of socio-economic status differs significantly from their monetary status and objective criteria. Half of the region's families crossed the threshold of official poverty, but found themselves in an unstable situation and deprived state. A third of families assess their condition as poor within five years. The authors proposed their own approach to poverty assessment. Definitions are given: situational poverty, permanent poverty, chronic poverty, stagnant poverty. The current socio-economic structure of society is risky: almost every second family in the region is at risk and under the influence of various factors can replenish the cohort of the poor. First of all, this may concern families with children and households in which there are unemployed citizens.


poverty, the poor, stagnant poverty, permanent poverty, objective poverty, subjective poverty, region, risk, income level, chronic poverty


Lyubov N. Kuryshova

PhD in Sociology; Director of the Scientific Center for Social and Economic Monitoring, Saransk, Russia; Associate Professor of the Department of General History, Political Science and Regional Studies of the National Research Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia

Oksana N. Kurmyshkina

Researcher Scientific Center for Social and Economic Monitoring, Saransk, Russia


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The article was submitted 10.05.2023; approved after reviewing 04.07.2023; accepted for publication 15.08.2023.