Armenian Diaspora in Russia: Employment and Socio-economic Well-being

Galina I. Osadchaya, Tat'yana N. Yudina

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RAR (Research Article Report)



Galina I. Osadchaya

Institute for Demographic Research of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

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РИНЦ Author ID: 118648

WoS Researcher ID: G-2163-2017

Tat'yana N. Yudina

Institute for Demographic Research of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

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РИНЦ Author ID: 690209

WoS Researcher ID: P-5028-2015


Osadchaya GI, Yudina TN. Armenian Diaspora in Russia: Employment and Socio-economic Well-being. Uroven' zhizni naseleniya regionov Rossii=Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2023;19(4):602–615. (In Russ.)


The research was carried out with the financial support of the RFBR within the framework of the scientific project "Socio-economic potential of the Armenian Diaspora in the context of integration processes in the EAEU", No. 20-511-05007.


The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 caused a significant increase in the migration influx of the Armenian population to a more prosperous Russia and fundamentally changed the composition, economic potential, and inclusion of the Armenian diaspora in the host society. The aim of the study is to assess employment and the level of socio-economic well-being as an indicator of the peculiarities and success of the adaptation process in three Russian regions with the largest number of Armenian communities: in Krasnodar, Stavropol Territories, as well as in Moscow and the Moscow region. The article is based on the analysis of the results of the joint project of Russia and Armenia "Socio-economic potential of the Armenian Diaspora in the context of integration processes in the EAEU". The methodological strategy includes a questionnaire survey of representatives of the Armenian Diaspora and an in-depth interview of the Armenian Diaspora in these regions. The article provides a critical analysis of the scientific literature on the social and socio-economic well-being of social groups, shows that the concept of "socio–economic well-being" is a complex phenomenon that requires clarification of interpretation, operationalization and measurement methods. The campaign, empirical indicators, and methodology for calculating indices of socio-economic well-being are substantiated. The analysis of employment, social and economic well–being in the economic sphere (job satisfaction, relationships at work; opportunities to provide for the family, satisfaction with the financial situation) and the social sphere (family relations, satisfaction with the place and living conditions, education, health, vacation and free time, physical education and sports), assessment of social mood, prospects and opportunities for the implementation of life plans. It is concluded that, in general, the level of socio-economic well-being demonstrates the relative stability and active involvement of Armenians in the general Russian environment, especially in the Krasnodar Territory. The results of the study can be used by the authorities in the preparation and implementation of a set of measures aimed at creating conditions for a more complete use of the socio-economic potential of the Armenian Diaspora for the development of the Russian Federation.

diaspora, Armenian diaspora, employment, socio-economic well-being, social mood, life plans satisfaction, satisfaction index, image of the social future; composite index of socio-economic well-being


Galina I. Osadchaya

Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Chief Researcher, Institute for Demographic Research of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (Institute for Demographic Research FCATS RAS), Moscow Russia

Tat'yana N. Yudina

Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Chief Researcher, Institute for Demographic Research of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (Institute for Demographic Research FCATS RAS), Moscow Russia


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The article was submitted 21.08.2023; approved after reviewing 07.10.2023; accepted for publication 01.12.2023.