Social Responsibility of Business: Possibilities for Quantitative Measurement of the Contribution of the Social Package to Employee Income

Oksana V. Kuchmaeva

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RAR (Research Article Report)



Oksana V. Kuchmaeva

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

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SPIN-code:  1948-0872

РИНЦ Author ID: 496666

ResearcherID: L-9513-2015


Kuchmaeva O.V. Social Responsibility of Business: Possibilities for Quantitative Measurement of the Contribution of the Social Packageto Employee Income. Uroven' zhizni naseleniya regionov Rossii=Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2024;20(1):39–47. (In Russ.)


The research is devoted to assessing the real scale of the spread of the culture of socially responsible business in Russia on the basis of quantitative indicators, as well as determining the role of the social package - cash payments and compensation from the employer in the income of Russians. As indicators for assessing the extent of material support from the employer, such indicators as "monetary assessment of the cost of goods (services) received from the employer for free (in whole or in part)" and "the amount of official transport, premises, equipment, etc. provided by the employer for free or at reduced prices" were used. The information base of the study was the microdata of the monitoring survey of Rosstat – "Selective observation of income of the population", rounds 2014, 2019 and 2021. The methods of descriptive statistics, verification of statistical hypotheses about the presence of differences in the distributions of the studied parameters, logistic regression was used to identify factors affecting the likelihood of receiving additional financial support from the employer. Despite the development of the strategy of social corporate policy in Russia, the scale of material support from the employer can still be estimated as insignificant. To a greater extent, assistance is distributed among people employed in the formal sector. Material payments from the employer within the framework of the social package in a significant part of cases play the role of material incentives in the most productive sectors of the economy for specialists with a high level of qualification and socio-professional status.


corporate social responsibility, social package, material support from the employer, corporate social policy, cost of goods (services) received from the employer, employee income, social responsibility of business


Oksana V. Kuchmaeva

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Population of Lomonosov Moscow State University


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The article was submitted 17.10.2023; approved after reviewing 12.01.2024; accepted for publication 21.03.2024