A Collective Socio-Historical Memory: Background for Complete Philosophical Theory Developing

Andrey V. Dakhin

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RAR (Research Article Report)



Andrey V. Dakhin

Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management – Branch of RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

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SPIN-code:  2857-0283

РИНЦ Author ID: 250322

ResearcherID: E-7714-2019

Scopus Author ID: 57195759852


Dakhin A.V. A Collective Socio-Historical Memory: Background for Complete Philosophical Theory Developing. Uroven' zhizni naseleniya regionov Rossii=Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2024;20(1):105–118. (In Russ.)


Giving attention to the strangeness of differences between a regular western memory studies concepts and priority values of Russia memo-politics the author analyzed troubles of developing Russia complete philosophy of memory at the beginning of the 21 century. The case of troubles is discovering by describing of contradictions between theory of memory and memory policy, by secondary status of Russia memory studies regarding to the West memory studies, and also by the case of dividing of collective memory structure of domestic philosophical culture on “before”, “under” and “after” the historical materialism. The research shows come backgrounds which, on the one hand, call to critical analysis of western memory studies concepts for overcoming its deontological episteme and, on the other hand, it calls to critical analysis of the soviet “historical cognition” concept for overcoming its materialistic episteme about a social being. Theoretic and methodological sources for solving this tasks, as the author thought, are related with theories by L.S. Vygisky, A.F. Losev, E.V. Il’enkov, G.P. Shchedrivitcky, L.A. Zelenov, V.A. Kutyrev and others. Results of this studies presents some conceptual characteristics of the complete philosophical theory of collective memory, among them are, on the first. background of an ontological nuclear which discovers complete system of fundamental relations of a man/ society with its own history; on the second, inside of this ontological system must be separated the social memory as a special collective mechanism of relations with past history; on the third, to discover dialectics between collective and individual memory and commemoration; on the forth, o discover dialectics between everyday memory and historical memory; on the fifth, o discover dialectics between oblivion and memory in the structure of social revolutions and reforms.



collective socio-historical memory, complete philosophy of memory, memory studies, historical cognition, social ontology, deontological approach, cultural memory


Andrey V. Dakhin

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor of Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology of Management, Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management – Branch of RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation




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The article was submitted 31.12.2023; approved after reviewing 18.02.2024; accepted for publication 21.03.2024