Interregional Differentiation of Remuneration of Educators in Extracurricular Education (Part 2)
Arsenii L. Sinitsa
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RAR (Research Article Report)
Arsenii L. Sinitsa
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia,
РИНЦ Author ID: 574240
WoS ReseacherID: E-6607-2017
Sinitsa A.L. Interregional Differentiation of Remuneration of Educators in Extracurricular Education (Part 2). Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2023. Vol. 19. No 2. P. 167–178.
Despite the task of raising the salaries of educators in extracurricular education to the level of salaries of educators in general education that was set at the highest level, this problem has not yet been solved in most regions. Nevertheless, the Presidential decrees allowed us to approach this goal to some extent, which means that they are partially effective. During the period of validity of the decrees there has been an increase in the purchasing power of educators' salaries, expressed in affordable subsistence minimums, although its dynamics has been contradictory. This means that the evaluation of the results of state policy in the field of remuneration of educators of extracurricular education is a vital issue. Differences between regions in both the ratio of salaries and affordable subsistence minimums remain high. This is primarily due to the different level of economic development of the regions. In more economically developed regions or in regions with specialization in hydrocarbon extraction the state of educators employees is better. In agrarian regions with weak manufacturing industry, their salaries are lower. There are some exceptions, which on the whole do not make much difference to the overall picture. To improve the situation, measures are needed to develop and diversify regional economies, increase the basic salary of educators and provide them with benefits (especially in rural areas), more actively inform the population and officials about the importance of this component of personal development and strengthen the information support of current policies. Changes in policy are required promptly due to the unstable geopolitical situation and the need for accelerated development of the domestic economy.
extracurricular education, salary, purchasing power, subsistence minimum, educators, regions of Russia, regional policy
Arsenii L. Sinitsa
PhD in Economics, researcher of the Laboratory for Economic Education, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
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The article was submitted 03.10.2023; approved after reviewing 02.05.2023; accepted for publication 16.05.2023.