Research of Social Time: Current State and Practices of Influence

Ekaterina F. Shamaeva, Andrei A. Golovin, Evgenii B. Popov, Vladilen A. Prokudin

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SCO (Short Communications Article)

DOI: 9836_2023_19_2_8_254_259



Ekaterina F. Shamaeva

State University of Management, Moscow, Russia

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РИНЦ Author ID: 554485

WoS ReseacherID: O-1031-2016

Scopus AuthorID: 57196119253

Andrei A. Golovin

State University of Management, Moscow, Russia

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РИНЦ AuthorID: 981462

Evgenii B. Popov

Research and technical center “Anklav”, Dubna, Russia

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РИНЦ AuthorID: 802731

WoS ReseacherID: F-9590-2015

Scopus AuthorID: 57202956823

Vladilen A. Prokudin

Moscow International University, Moscow, Russia

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


РИНЦ AuthorID: 103690


Shamaeva E.F., Golovin A.A., Popov E.B., Prokudin V.A. Research of Social Time: Current State and Practices of Influence. Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2023. Vol. 19. No 2. P. 254–259.


This article presents a study of social time (including its various levels identified by J.D. Lewis and E.J. Weygart: personal time, interaction time and regulated time). The subject of the study is the existing practices of regulating social time, characteristic of the modern stage of human history (in the context of the possibility of forming a methodology for measuring social time based on them). The purpose of this work is to identify the possibilities of influencing social time in the interests of human society development. The main hypothesis of the study is that each of the existing approaches to the study and regulation of social time "snatches" a certain aspect of it (a kind of projection into a given "coordinate system"), and their combination on the basis of a system-based activity (SMD) methodology (representation of social time as a system) will allow laying the foundations of a methodology for measuring and managing social time. The possibilities of applying various approaches to the study of social time (relativistic, the theoretical foundations of which were laid by P. Sorokin and R. Merton, and constructivist, formulated by P.G. Kuznetsov on the basis of the concept of "social time budget") are considered. The presentation of social time as a system from the point of view of the system-based methodology is carried out, which allows us to clearly see the place and role of each of the considered existing approaches to the study of social time, its properties and qualities.


social time, personal time, interaction time, social time budget, planning


Ekaterina F. Shamaeva

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, project scientific leader of Center for Designing Sustainable Development of Civil Society Institutions, State University of Management, Moscow, Russia

Andrei A. Golovin

candidate of economic sciences, senior researcher, director of Center for Designing Sustainable Development of Civil Society Institutions, State University of Management, Moscow, Russia

Evgenii B. Popov

chief technologist, RTC “Anklav” Ltd., Dubna, Russia

Vladilen A. Prokudin

Doctor of Economics, Professor at Moscow International University, Moscow, Russia


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The article was submitted 09.02.2023; approved after reviewing 18.05.2023; accepted for publication 16.05.2023.