About the Risks in the Sphere of Living Standards of the Russian Population, Opportunities and Solutions to Reduce them
Vyacheslav N. Bobkov, Aleftina A. Gulyugina, Еlena V. Odintsova
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RAR (Research Article Report)
Vyacheslav N. Bobkov
Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
SPIN-code: 5639-0410
РИНЦ Author ID:275902
ReseacherID: U-6527-2019
Scopus Author ID: 55960509800
Aleftina A.Gulyugina
Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
SPIN-code: 8187-0889
РИНЦ Author ID: 305797
ResearcherID: H-2175-2018
Еlena V. Odintsova
Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
SPIN-code: 1866-4793
РИНЦ Author ID: 999153
ReseacherID: U-7061-2019
Scopus AuthorID: 57190408814
Bobkov V.N., Gulyugina A.A., Odintsova Е.V. About the Risks in the Sphere of Living Standards of the Russian Population, Opportunities and Solutions to Reduce them. Uroven' zhizni naseleniya regionov Rossii=Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2024;20(1):59–75. (In Russ.)
The article is devoted to identifying the main risks in the field of living standards of the population, opportunities and developing solutions and identifying tools to reduce/overcome them. The methodological basis of the study was the methodological provisions of Russian statistics for determining indicators of the standard of living of the population, as well as the author's original methodological approaches to theformation of special indicators and methods for studying processes and phenomena in the field of living standards. The information base of the study is based on macroeconomic data from state statistics on the most important indicators of the standard of living of the population; results of a sample survey of household budgets conducted by Rosstat; federal statistical observations on socio-demographic problems; results of monitoring studies of income and living standards of the population. The work presents the author's approach to the concept of “risk” in relation to the sphere of living standards. The risks identified during the study are grouped according to differentiating characteristics: 1) generated by high socio-economic differentiation of the population in terms of income and housing provision; 2) due to high differentiation in basic components of the standard of living between urban and rural areas and inequality in the development of human potential; 3) the prevalence of employment that does not ensure the stability of the financial situation of households; 4) due to insufficient social support for low-income households with children. Solutions and tools, including comprehensive and systemic measures of a medium- and long-term nature to overcome risks to the standard of living of the population, are highlighted in the following areas: 1) Adjustment of the current and development of a new regulatory framework regulating social standards of living standards; 2) Increasing the level of real cash income from employment; 3) Overcoming absolute monetary poverty of low-income families with children; 4) Improving the housing security of the population, reducing inequality in the security of urban and rural residents. The results of the study are aimed at substantiating decisions to overcome modern challenges in the sphere of living standards of the population.
poverty, cash income, housing security, financial situation of households, security of urban and rural residents, cost of living, risks, socio-economic differentiation, social standards, standard of living, precarious employment
Vyacheslav N. Bobkov
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Chief Research Worker, Head of the Department of Socioeconomic Research of Living Standards and Quality of Live at the Centre of Development of Human Potential at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Aleftina A. Gulyugina
PhD in Economics, Senior Research Worker of the Department of Socioeconomic Research of Living Standards and Quality of Live at the Centre of Development of Human Potential at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Elena V. Odintsova
PhD in Economics, Leading Research Worker of the Department of Socioeconomic Research of Living Standards and Quality of Live at the Centre of Development of Human Potential at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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The article was submitted 07.02.2024; approved after reviewing 17.02.2024; accepted for publication 21.03.2024.