The Eurasian Path of Demographic Development in Russia as a Challenge to the Global Liberal Model of Demographic Transition

Vladimir A. Iontsev, Yuliya A. Uzkaya

Размер файла597-611
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RAR (Research Article Report)



Vladimir A. Iontsev

Higher School of Modern Social Sciences Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

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SPIN-code: 3115-0697

RSCI Author ID: 72295

Yuliya A. Uzkaya

Higher School of Modern Social Sciences Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


SPIN-code: 5056-0800

RSCI Author ID: 718355

For citation

Iontsev V.A., Uzkaya Yu.A. The Eurasian Path of Demographic Development in Russia as a Challenge to the Global Liberal Model of Demographic Transition.  Uroven' zhizni naseleniya regionov Rossii=Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2024;20(4):597–611. (In Russ.)


The article deals with one of the most important issues of the demographic future of Russia. Russia is facing an acute issue of choosing the path of demographic development. And considering that for more than thirty years Russia has actually been following the modern Western path of demographic development, the basic model of which is the globally liberal model of demographic transition, the question arises: to what extent does this path take into account Russia's national interests? In our opinion, this path of demographic development leads to a dead end, leads, in fact, to the disappearance of the Russian population. And how can it be otherwise if the main model of a family is a family with one child, or without one at all. This model is well described in the concept of the second demographic transition. Based on the latter, the idea of the Eurasian path of demographic development appeared. The article reveals in sufficient detail the ideas of Eurasianism, modern neo-Eurasianism, while, according to some Russian scientists, the idea of a new Eurasianism can be considered as a national idea that would contribute to the unity and rise of sovereign Russia in "conditions of harsh cultural and civilizational expansion of the West." The paper proves that only by following the Eurasian path of demographic development, Russia will be able to successfully get out of a difficult demographic situation, which is characterized by the concept of "demographic crisis", a characteristic and significant feature of which are negative qualitative demographic changes. Especially such kind of tendencies we can observe among young people. The article briefly reveals the role of international migration, which can contribute to overcoming a difficult demographic situation, provided that a competent migration policy is carried out. This policy should take into account not only the interests of big capital, but also the interests of the Russian population and the regional interests of Russia. Among the migrants arriving in Russia, the most significant group, both demographically and economically, may be Old Believers living mainly in the far abroad. And in the conclusion of the article, proposals are made to improve the current demographic situation in Russia. The results of the study can be used in the process of improving demographic and migration policies conducted in Russia.



Eurasianism, neo-Eurasianism, the Eurasian way of demographic development, the globally liberal model of demographic transition, the concept of the second demographic transition, demographic crisis, depopulation, traditional demographic values, international migration


Vladimir A. Iontsev - Doctor of Economics, emeritus professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Head of the Department of Demography, Higher School of Modern Social Sciences Lomonosov Moscow State University

Yuliya A. Uzkaya – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Demography, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Higher School of Modern Social Sciences Lomonosov Moscow State University


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