Transformation of the System of Higher Professional Education: Challenges and Perspectives
Tatiana O. Razumova, Irina G. Teleshova
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RAR (Research Article Report)
DOI: 10.52180/1999-9836_2023_19_3_3_338_349
Tatiana O. Razumova
Moscow State Lomonosov University, Moscow, Russia
РИНЦ Author ID: 77081
Irina G. Teleshova
Moscow State Lomonosov University, Moscow, Russia
РИНЦ Author ID: 167084
Razumova T.O., Teleshova I.G. Transformation of the System of Higher Professional Education: Challenges and Perspectives. Uroven' zhizni naseleniya regionov Rossii=Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2023;19(3):338–349. (In Russ.) DOI
In the modern world, the higher education system simultaneously performs two functions: on the one hand, it provides the labor market with a highly qualified workforce, and, on the other hand, it provides citizens with the opportunity for self-development and self-realization. The article is devoted to the issues of improving the Russian system of higher professional education at the present stage of its development: identifying the main challenges facing the Russian higher education system at the present time, and possible directions of its development. Considering the labor market as the main factor in the development of the system of higher and additional vocational education, the authors in the theoretical part consider the methodological foundations of the interaction of the education system and the labor market, focusing on the most important provisions of the theory of human capital, the theory of educational signals, Life-long learning concept. The practical part of the article presents an analysis of the directions of reforming the Russian higher education system over the past thirty years, among which the authors include: modernization of the structure of the education system, changing the terms of study, the list of specialties and areas of training, the names of qualifications; the use of a competence based approach in the development and implementation of educational programs; ensuring the relationship between the education system and the labor market. The authors pay special attention to the analysis of approaches to the development and implementation of educational programs that provide students with the opportunity to obtain several qualifications. At the same time, one of the primary tasks is the institutionalization of the corresponding conceptual and categorical apparatus: academic/educational degree /qualification, professional qualification, as well as the definition of methodological approaches and principles of the formulations of their names. In conclusion, the principal provisions are presented, which, according to the authors, should be taken into account in the framework of the transformation of the higher education system to ensure an effective system of interaction between the labor market and the system of higher professional education.
labor market, higher education system, continuing education, competence approach, competencies, learning outcomes, federal state educational standards, professional standards, qualifications
Tatiana O. Razumova
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Labor and Personnel Economics of Economic Faculty of Moscow State Lomonosov University, Moscow, Russia
Irina G.Teleshova
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Macroeconomic Policy and Strategic Management, Deputy Dean for Educational and Methodological Work of Economic Faculty of Moscow State Lomonosov University, Moscow, Russia
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The article was submitted 18.06.2023; approved after reviewing 04.08.2023; accepted for publication 15.08.2023.