Realization of the Labor Potential of Employees in the Quality of their Employment and the Standard of Living of Households

Odintsova Еlena V.

Размер файла99-111  Размер файла  433.83 KB Размер файла Full text


DOI: 10.52180/1999-9836_2023_19_1_8_99_111



Elena V. Odintsova

Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Author ID: 999153


Odintsova E.V. Realization of the Labor Potential of Employees in the Quality of their Employment and the Standard of Living of Households. Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2023. Vol. 19. No 1. P. 99–111. DOI 10.52180/1999-9836_2023_19_1_8_99_111 EDN: RAUMOI


The article presents the results of a study aimed at identifying the quality of employment of employees and the standard of living of their households conditioned by it, taking into account the labor potential of employees. The study, the object of which are employees of organizations, is based on data from The Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey - Higher School of Economics, which were supplemented by official statistics. It is revealed that the level of education and assessment (state) of health, characterizing the labor potential of employees, affect the quality of their employment, determined by the presence and concentration of manifestations of precarious employment and professional and qualification characteristics of employees, and through it – on the standard of living of employees' households, determining the stability (instability) of the financial position on monetary income. It is established that the influence of the level of education on the quality of employment is more pronounced than the influence of health, considered through subjective assessments of employees. It is shown that the realization of the labor potential of employees (level of education) may be accompanied by its underutilization, which carries the risks of its waste and threats to the development of human potential.

Basically, this is typical for employees in less qualified employment who have secondary vocational education and higher education - they have not realized their potential, and the quality of their employment is lower than it could be with their level of education. It is shown that with an increase in the level of education, the risks of increasing manifestations of precarious employment decrease and the chances of more qualified employment increase. Provided, taking into account the realization of labor potential, the quality of employment of employees is reflected in the standard of living of their households. The "accessibility" of a stable financial situation of households in terms of monetary income, as the study showed, is higher for employees with stable employment, which increases with increasing professional and qualification characteristics.


employees, labor potential, level of education, health, quality of employment, precarious employment, professional qualification groups, standard of living, stable financial situation, monetary income


Elena V. Odintsova

PhD in Economics, Leading Researcher of the Sector of Socio-Economic Research of Quality and Standard of Living at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


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The article was submitted 06.02.2023.

Accepted for publication 27.02.2023.


Interregional Differentiation of Remuneration of Educators in Extracurricular Education (Part 1)

Sinitsa Arsenii L.

Размер файла86-98   Размер файла  1.33 KB Размер файла Full text


DOI: 10.52180/1999-9836_2023_19_1_7_86_98



Arsenii L. Sinitsa

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Author ID: 574240


Sinitsa A.L. Interregional Differentiation of Remuneration of Educators in Extracurricular Education (Part 1). Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2023. Vol. 19. No 1. P. 86–98. DOI 10.52180/1999-9836_2023_19_1_7_86_98 EDN PUYTPK


The events of the last year have shown the importance and correctness of the course for the development of the training system in the development of all levels of the national education system. Extracurricular education, which is not compulsory, plays a special role in its structure, because it allows you to more fully reveal the potential of the child and make his development more harmonious. On the basis of Rosstat data we show that educators’ salaries continue to be rather low. The focus of our attention is on educators of extracurricular education who work in municipal educational institutions. These institutions are the backbone of the extracurricular education system. The Presidential decrees of 2012 made it possible to raise salaries in extracurricular education, but educators' salaries continue to be well below the regional average and the problem is far from being resolved. At the same time, there are significant inter-regional differences, which are caused primarily by economic reasons. In the more economically developed regions or in the regions with specialization in hydrocarbon extraction the state of educators is better. In agrarian regions with weak manufacturing industry, their salaries are lower. Plans to modernize extracurricular education and increase its contribution to the socio-economic development of the country are currently threatened by the rather low pay of educators, which does not correspond to the social importance of their work and can be eliminated in a reasonable time if the political will is present.


education system, extracurricular education, salary, educators, regions of Russia, economic specialization of the region, regional policy


Arsenii L. Sinitsa

Candidate of Economics, researcher of the Laboratory for Economic Education, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University


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The article was submitted 03.10.2022.

Accepted for publication 01.02.2023.


Criteria for precariousness of employment of academic staff

Aleksandrova Olga A., Faiman Natalia S.

Размер файла70-85    Размер файла  742.69 KB Размер файла Full text


DOI: 10.52180/1999-9836_2023_19_1_6_70_85



Olga A. Aleksandrova

Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population of the Federal Scientific Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Science, Russia, Moscow

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia, Moscow

е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Author ID: 257224

Nataliia S. Faiman

Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population of the Federal Scientific Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Science, Russia, Moscow

е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Author ID: 48140032


Aleksandrova O.А., Faiman N.S. Criteria for precariousness of employment of academic staff. Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2023. Vol. 19. No 1. P. 70–85. DOI 10.52180/1999-9836_2023_19_1_6_70_85 EDN MSGDST


The effectiveness of scientific and pedagogical activity largely depends on the economic and social and labor characteristics of hiring scientists and teachers. As part of the “competition paradigm” in the field of science and higher education abroad, and for some time now in Russia, the conditions for hiring and remunerating workers are changing: termless employment contracts are becoming a thing of the past; the conditions for passing the competition for a position are losing their stability; in wages, a significant share begins to fall on incentive payments which depend on changing requirements. This new reality for this socio-professional group causes discussions in the research environment: while some researchers talk about the applicability of the concepts of "precarization" and "instability" to the employment of scientific and pedagogical personnel, others consider such statements to be premature and redundant. On the basis of empirical data obtained in the course of a two-stage sociological study, which included a series of in-depth semi-structured interviews and a mass survey of university lectures and researchers from scientific centers, representing different branches of knowledge and living in different regions of Russia, an attempt was made to correlate the generally recognized criteria for the precariousness of employment and various aspects of working conditions and hiring of scientific and pedagogical personnel in order to identify signs of instability in employment and assess its severity. The obtained results suggest that employment in the scientific and pedagogical sector of the labor market can be characterized as unstable according to most of the relevant criteria: this concerns the terms and conditions of the contract, the amount of income, involvement in multiple additional employment, participation in informal forms of self-employment, poor social protection of workers etc. Taking into account the predominantly negative impact exerted by the instability of employment on the quality of work of workers in creative professions, it is necessary to search for the optimum between creating a competitive environment and stimulating achievements and normal reproduction of scientific and pedagogical personnel.


science, education, researchers, university lecturers, precarious employment, working conditions and hiring of scientific and pedagogical workers.


Olga A. Aleksandrova

 Doctor of Economics, Deputy Director for Research, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population of the Federal Scientific Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Science, Russia, Moscow; Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia, Moscow

Nataliia S. Faiman

applicant for an academic degree, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population of the Federal Scientific Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Science, Russia, Moscow


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The article was submitted 27.08.2022.

Аccepted for publication 27.01.2023.


Bolonization of education – should modernization go further along this path?

Gretchenko Anatolii I., Odegov Yurii G.

Размер файла61-69  Размер файла  400.32 KB Размер файла Full text


DOI: 10.52180/1999-9836_2023_19_1_5_61_69



Anatoly I. Gretchenko

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia,

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ORCID: 0000-0002-8681-6152

Author ID: 302980

Yuri G. Odegov

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ORCID: 0000-0003-0364-4146

Author ID: 491417


Gretchenko A. I., Odegov Y. G. Bolonization of education – should modernization go further along this path? Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2023. Vol. 19. No 1. P. 61–69. DOI 10.52180/1999-9836_2023_19_1_5_61_69 EDN MHAPNQ


In April 2022, the Russian Federation was "disconnected" from the Bologna system, and a month later the Ministry of Education and Science concluded that Russia should build its own education system taking into account the interests of the national economy. The article presents the results of research conducted by the staff of the Research Institute "New Economics and Business" and the Scientific School "Theory and Technology of Management" of the Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanova, the role of the Russian educational system in the life of society, where it occupies a broad sphere of interweaving of direct and indirect interests, processes, actions of various parties: from an individual to the entire population of the country; from individual enterprises, organizations, to the entire industry; from the employee to the sphere of labor, all socio-economic complex of the country. The system of higher education in the format of the Bologna system, through the long-term efforts of education officials, has entered so deeply into the Russian education system, integrated with the spheres of science, labor and society as a whole, that it is difficult to even imagine not only its integral, but even fragmentary abolition. Based on almost 50 years of experience in Russian education in the teaching, scientific and administra-tive fields, the authors of the article express their opinion on the discussions in the Russian scientific and pedagogi-cal community, which boil down to the demand for the immediate abolition of the current system of Russian higher education (meaning the Bologna type) and the transition to a new, but bearing features of the national traditions. The article notes that the mechanism of one-moment cancellation of this system is currently not entirely clear. In the final section of the article, conclusions are drawn concerning some aspects of the lessons of the Bologna system in the Russian Federation, other innovations of recent years, including the Western model in higher education.


Russian higher education, Bologna system, two- and three-level system of higher education, unified educational space, bachelor, master, specialist, academic mobility


Anatoly I. Gretchenko

 Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Director of the Research Institute “New Economy and Business” of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; Professor of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Yuri G. Odegov

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Chief Researcher of the Scientific School “Theory and Technology of Management” of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics



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The article was submitted 16.12.2022.

Accepted for publication 02.03.2023.


Urgent Problems of Reorganizing the Educational System in Rossiya Today

Machkhelyan Garry G.

Размер файла47-60  Размер файла  498.25 KB Размер файла Full text


DOI: 10.52180/1999-9836_2023_19_1_4_47_60



Garry G. Machkhelyan

Moscow, Russia

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Machkhelyan G.G. Urgent Problems of Reorganizing the System of Education in Rossiya Today. Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2023. Vol. 19. No 1. P. 47–60. DOI 10.52180/1999-9836_2023_19_1_4_47_60 EDN MEUYVW



The article deals with urgent problems of reorganizing the educational system in the Russian Federation. The concepts education and an educational system as well as characteristics of the traditional home educational system in Russia in contrast to that in the West have been given. The author stresses that education is an essential factor affecting the forming of the living standards and quality of life of the population in the country. In fact, a pro-Western system of education has been established in Russia today. The author analyses the Soviet educational system and its role as the source of unprecedented achievements of the USSR in sociocultural and technological spheres. Most important epoch-making landmarks of forming the system of education in the USSR are considered, and it’s affecting the socioeconomic development of the country is stressed wiping out illiteracy of the population and legislative ratifying universal compulsory free education in particular. The author points out that education in the USSR was to guarantee meeting intellectual and spiritual demands of the Soviet people. It contributed to realizing the main principle of socialism: “All is in the name of a human being – all is for the benefit of a human being”. Problems of reforming education in the post-Soviet period, risks of intellectual degradation being accentuated. The author stresses the topicality of fundamental reorganizing the now existing Russian educational system and advisability of reviving the Soviet system of education, concrete proposals for reorganizing in the near future being put forward. First of all the Bologna system of education should be cancelled, and the Soviet system of education and upbringing restored instead. A universal compulsory free education is to be put into effect in all regions off the Russian Federation. The unified state exam must be revoked.


education, an educational system, upbringing, literacy, a rate of literacy, illiteracy, higher education, educational establishments, universal compulsory free education, the Bologna system, a unified state exam, traditional education, reorganizing, urgent problems, digitalization, eradication of illiteracy


Garry G. Machkhelyan

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Independent Researcher Moscow, Russia


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The article was submitted 25.10.2022.

Accepted for publication 23.02.2023.