Creative Class and Creative Work: Interrelation, Exploitation and Contradictions of Development

Tamara D. Stepanova

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RAR (Research Article Report)



Tamara D. Stepanova

Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

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SPIN-код: 3177-7714

РИНЦ Author ID: 388518277


Stepanova T.D. Creative Class and Creative Work: Interrelation, Exploitation and Contradictions of Development. Uroven' zhizni naseleniya regionov Rossii=Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2024;20(2):183–195. (In Russ.)


The development of the creative economy has been one of the most popular areas of economic theory and economic policy for three decades. Despite the constant growth of the creative class and government measures to support the creative sector, the size of the creative economy remains at 3% on average worldwide. The purpose of this article is to show the contradictions and limiting factors in the development of the creative class. The argumentation and conclusions of the article are based primarily on a political economy approach. The main information sources of the study are the following statistical databases: Russian statistical base (Rosstat), ILOSTAT (employment by occupational groups). The theoretical and empirical conclusions presented in the work prove that the quantitative growth of the creative class is not identical to its qualitative development; that the statistical measurement of the creative class through employment in creative industries significantly distorts the original meaning of the category of creative labor and several times underestimates the real number of creative professionals; that the uneven development of the creative class among countries is due, on the one hand, to inequality in economic development and intellectual migration from peripheral states to the center, on the other; that the association of creative professionals into a class has no economic basis due to the incompleteness of the formation of socio-economic stratification; that the creative content of labor under the capitalist mode of production does not eliminate the alienation of surplus value, and the exploitation of creative labor takes on a new form – the alienation of intellectual property rights and subsequent intellectual rent.


creative class, creative labor, creative economy, creative industries, labor exploitation, economic development, intellectual 
property, intellectual rent


Tamara D. Stepanova

PhD in Economics, Senior Researcher, Sector of Employment Policy and Social and Labor Relations, Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences


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The article was submitted 16.03.2024; approved after reviewing 18.04.2024; accepted for publication 09.06.2024